
Ain't no rest for the wicked

Forgiveness is a cornerstone of the religion to which I proclaim allegiance. I'd like to think that I've been able to develop some semblance of mastery with it. But there is one particularly noticeable discrepancy in my application of this tenet. There is always that one person I can never bring myself to forgive and that person is no other than ... me. You know, over the span of the last two decades and a bit, he has amassed quite an abundance of fuck-ups. An idiot of Herculean proportions. I look back and all I can do is cringe and apologize in my head to all those who've been so unfortunate as to having been dragged into the twisted inept logic of my former self. It is truly gut-wrenching my idiocy, the insufficiencies of my rational components.

Thankfully, the degree of disgust associated with my "misactions" nowadays is quite modest, generally (except for those two stupid giant elephant demons that I inadvertedly summoned, but, fortunately, dispelled recently). But me, as the misguided youth as I was, was truly a senseless creature. How does one come to accept that? How does one persist for the entirety of one's life while constantly accruing these regrets?

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